How Long Does A Cat Stay In Heat? How To Calm Her?

How Long Does A Cat Stay In Heat? How To Calm Her?

Is your cat in heat? Then she must be acting strange which can drive you nuts. But this period is equally stressful for her as well. Want to know how long does a cat stay in heat? Then this article is for you.

Many people regard ‘heat’ in cats the same as the ‘menstrual cycle’ in females. But heat is much different from periods. Usually, cats don’t bleed while in heat. In case of bleeding, you must consult a vet for a check-up.

Heat is that stage of a cat’s life when she reaches puberty. At this time, she might feel like running from home in search of a male cat for mating. That’s why you must keep your kitty under supervision and away from male cats to avoid them going after female cats in heat. If you also have a male cat, make sure to keep it away from your kitty (even if it’s your cat’s brother, father, or son). 

In this article, you’ll discover how to tell if a cat is in heat for the first time, how to calm her, and how long this happens.

How Long Does A Cat Stay In Heat? 

In general, cats stay in heat for 3 to 7 days. However, some cats might stay in heat for 20 days also. A cat when goes through heat is called ‘Queen.’

Stages Of Heat In A Cat

It’s usual for cats to get into heat every two to three weeks. You can expect your cat to get into heat for the first time when they are 3-5 months old. However, some external factors and the breed of cat can also make it happen sooner or later.

When a cat goes through heat, she passes through 5 stages mentioned below:

(i) Proestrus: At this stage, your cat starts to enter into heat and will show normal behavior. Although she’ll start getting into the heat, she won’t be receptive to mating yet. This stage typically lasts for 1 to 2 days.

How To Calm A Cat In Heat

(ii) Estrus: This is the time when you’ll notice your cat doing strange activities. You’ll hear her vocalizing more loudly, rubbing on things, overbrooming, rolling, and raising her rear end. This is the actual time when your cat goes through the heat period. During this period, your cat might also throw tantrums while eating.

Usually, a cat can last up to 1 to 7 days in the Estrus cycle (however, it can go further up to 20 days). If your cat goes through mating while in this phase, the length of this period can shorten. 

If Cat Gets Pregnant

(iii) Luteal/Diestrus: If a cat undergoes mating and gets pregnant at the Estrus phase, she’ll enter into the Diestrus cycle. At this stage, her eggs will start converting into embryos. This implantation and conversion of eggs into embryos starts within 12 to 13 days of mating. Only 84% of total embryos usually survive.

If Cat Doesn’t Get Pregnant

(iv) Interestrus: If a cat doesn’t get pregnant while in the Estrus phase, she enters into this stage. The level of estrogen in her will start to drop at this time and she’ll start getting back to normal. A cat is likely to get into heat every 2-3 weeks after this phase occurs.

(v) Anestrus: This is the stage of the cycle when a cat’s reproductive organs are dormant. They feel no urge for mating and the Estrus cycle will not take place. This happens due to less exposure to daylight when days are longer (Oct. to Jan.) which obstructs the production of hormones that stimulate the urge of mating. Usually, outdoor cats are more likely to go into this phase whereas indoor cats go into a heat cycle every month because they are overexposed to artificial lights. 

How Long Does A Cat Stay In Heat

A question that usually comes to mind while discussing how long does a cat stay in heat is whether male cats also get into heat or not. Male cats achieve their sexual maturity at the age of 3 to 5 months (just like female cats), but they don’t go under the Estrus phase. Instead, male cats show biological and behavioral responses to the scent that comes from a female cat’s urine while undergoing heat. This is the reason most cat owners discover unknown male cats around their home when their female cat is in heat.

Here are the signs that male cats show when they get attracted to a female cat in heat:

  • Spraying urine to mark territory
  • Trying to run away from home
  • Fight with male cats around them
  • Show more affection

Signs Your Cat Is In Heat

A female cat shows these signs when she gets into heat:

  • Unusual loud vocalizations
  • Rolling around things
  • Rubbing on things
  • Elevating rear end
  • Licking genitals
  • Urging to go out
  • Very little or no appetite
  • Excessive grooming
  • Frequent urination outside the litter

How To Treat Your Cat In Heat?

So far we’ve discussed how long does a cat stay in heat and what signs she shows, now let’s see how you can make this period less painful for her. While in heat, your cat can feel a lot of discomfort due to the stimulation of reproductive hormones.

These tips can make the period of heat a little peaceful for your kitty:

1) Create A Calm Environment

She’ll love to spend time in a calm environment which is why you must not play loud music around them and use sound-proof curtains.

2) Keep Her Litter Box Clean

It’s best to keep your kitty’s litter box clean during the heat cycle. This will help her from urinating outside and eventually won’t attract tomcats (male cats).

3) Be Patient With Your Kitty

Your cat can throw tantrums while eating or act strange while in heat. It can make you frustrated but remember she is undergoing biological changes and you need to be patient with her. It’s best to play with her, give her a bath, and engage her in activities to divert her mind from those uncontrolled emotions.

4) Provide Warm Set Up

Cat In Heat Remedy

Cats love to stay on a warm blanket or bed sheet during the heat. That’s why you must provide her with warm/heated padding to get through this phase.

5) Keep Her Away From Tomcats

If you’re raising both female and male cats (tomcats), ensure that you keep them away from each other when the female cat is in heat, irrespective of how they are related. This will help reduce the chances of unwanted pregnancies, otherwise, cats can even mate with anyone in their own family.

6) Approach A Vet In Case Of Strange Issues

If you notice anything strange like blood seeping out of your cat while in heat, consult a vet. In case your cat gets pregnant, take care of her, provide her with proper check-ups, and watch out if she is healthy after giving birth.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

#1 How Long Does A Cat Stay In Heat?

A cat stays in heat for 3 to 7 days in general. However, this period can extend to 19 to 20 days.

#2 At What Age Can A Cat Go Into Heat?

Female cats go into heat when they are 3 to 5 months old.

#3 Does Male Cat Go In Heat?

Male cats (also called ‘tomcats’) don’t go into heat. However, they attain sexual maturity by the age of 3 to 5 months. They get wind of the scent of a female cat in heat (from smelling sprayed urine) and try to approach them.

#4 How Often Do Cats Get Into Heat?

Cats go into heat every 2 to 3 weeks once their estrus cycle gets a wrap without mating.

#5 How To Know If My Cat Is Pregnant?

A cat generally gets pregnant after mating more than once with one or more male cats. A pregnant female cat will show some changes like: increased appetite, morning sickness/vomiting, excessive sleeping, increased weight, and irregularity in heat cycles. As she progresses towards the time of birth her nipples will start getting swollen, her abdomen will enlarge, and she starts to seclude herself (nesting) a lot.

#6 What Is Neutering/Spaying?

It is the surgical procedure to eliminate the reproductive parts of a cat. Most cat owners who don’t want their female cats to get into (or respond to heat- in the case of male cats) heat cycle and litter kittens, get their cats spayed or neutered.

Wrapping Up

Female cats go through certain hormonal changes when they attain the maturity to give birth, which is called ‘heat.’ This is not an easy period to deal with and many cat owners wonder how long does a cat stay in heat. Cats when going through heat are called ‘queens,’ and stay in this cycle for about 3-7 days in general, however, it can go further up to 19-20 days as well. The above article aims to provide different stages of the heat cycle in cats and their behavioral changes.