How To Stop Itching Down There Immediately Female: 7 Tips

How To Stop Itching Down There Immediately Female: 7 Tips

Vaginal infection is a pretty common reason for dryness that leads to an unbearable amount of itching. If not treated well within time, it can worsen. But worry not, today, you’ll know how to stop itching down there immediately.

Although vaginal itching is a case that is heard a dime a dozen, it can’t be left untreated. Recurring itching down there can indicate an infection or a health disorder. This demands reaching the root cause of this uncomfortable feeling.

The most common reason for vaginal itching is yeast infection. But there can be different causes that can make you feel so irritated. It can be difficult to tell without proper examination what is the underlying cause of prolonged vaginal itching that develops into rash or blisters. That’s why a gynecologist must be consulted.

Common Reasons For Vaginal Itching

Vaginal infection can develop due to several diseases including:

  • Exposure To Irritants: Our vaginal skin can get allergic to certain fragrances, scented bath soaps, lotions, fabric softeners, etc. That’s why you must be cautious of what you’re applying on your skin, what soap you use, and what fabric conditioners you use for washing your undergarments.
  • Yeast Infection: This is the most typical cause that people have to search how to stop itching down there immediately. It develops due to Candida albicans fungus, leading to itching, white discharge, high pH level, and burning sensation while urinating.
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs): Itching in the vagina can be due to several STIs, including trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and human papillomavirus (HPV).
  • Skin Infections: Skin infections can cause itching in the vagina. Certain skin conditions like eczema, lichen sclerosis, or psoriasis can develop irritation down there.
  • Hormonal Changes: Hormonal changes due to irregular periods, pregnancy, and menopause can also cause itching in the vulvar region.

How To Stop Itching Down There Immediately?

These 7 tips can reduce your itching instantly:

1) Use Antifungal Cream To Treat Yeast Infection

After confirming with a gynecologist, you can opt for antifungal creams like clotrimazole, hydrocortisone, or Monistat for treating your yeast infection. 

best itching cream for private parts female

Yeast infection happens due to overgrowth of candida fungi, which develops in warmth and moistness. It can result in itching, redness/swelling, rashes, and white discharge from the vagina. To treat this condition faster, ensure that you wipe your vagina with a soft cotton cloth after peeing or bathing, or swimming. Afterward apply any of the suggested antifungal creams.

2) Coconut Oil Can Help

One of the old-age treatments to stop itching down there is coconut oil. You can apply it after wiping the vulvar area with a clean cotton cloth. Make sure to wash your hands before and after the application of oil. Leave it overnight for best results. Apply it for a week, and you’ll feel much better.

3) Antibiotic Medications Can Help Treat BV

Bacterial Vaginosis is a condition that develops due to overgrowth of a certain type of bacteria in vaginal flora. This problem usually comes under the category of STIs. Antibiotics such as metronidazole can help prevent it from growing further but must be used after a doctor’s consultation.

4) Add Probiotics To Your Diet

Adding probiotics to your diet can help a lot if you’re willing to know how to stop itching down there immediately:

  • Yogurt
  • Peas
  • Buttermilk
  • Pickled veggies
  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Cottage cheese
  • Soybeans, etc.

This helps prevent the bad bacteria from growing and helps build up immunity to prevent such infections. However, you must avoid probiotics with too much sugar content.

5) Swap Talcum Powders With Abzorbed

Abzorbed Powder For Itching

In the summer, we generally tend to use talcum powders on our body parts to control itching due to sweating. But these powders keep the odor away due to sweating or provide a cooling effect instead of controlling sweating. Abzorbed, on the other hand, is medically prescribed to help with itchiness and heal rashes in any body part.

6) Opt For Cotton Fabric For Your Undergarments

What fabric you opt for your undergarments affects your skin health. That’s why breathable fabric like cotton is the best because it controls sweat and is skin-friendly. In addition, doctors suggest changing undergarments every time after your gym or swimming session so that you won’t risk the growth of bacterial infections.

7) Change Your Pad Every Time You Go To Toilet

During periods, the blood discharge contains the white discharge as well, which can cause itching. That’s why when you’re on periods, you must change the pad every time you hit the toilet. This will help you feel fresh and will prevent the chances of developing itchiness as well as bacterial infections. 

Tips To Keep Your Vagina Healthy

Here are some tips that can help you protect yourself from vaginal infections and itching:

(i) Maintain Proper Hygiene

One of the common reasons for the development of vaginal infections is improper hygiene. That’s why you must wash every region of your body while bathing. In periods, it becomes more essential to cleanse the region daily.

(ii) Pick Your Bath Soap Wisely

Another reason for irritation down there is scented soaps. They tamper with the natural vaginal flora and thus can result in developing itchiness or bacterial infections. Make sure that you use a skin-friendly, unscented mild soap. Also, remember that you should only apply any soap to the outward visible region of the vagina only.

(iii) Avoid Douching

Avoid Repeated Douching For Itching

Repeated douching can also cause bacterial vaginosis, says NIH. Most douche sprays usually contain scents, perfumes, and other such mixes of ingredients that can be harmful to the skin around the vulva and its natural defense system. In addition, repeated douching also disbalances the natural pH level of the vagina. This is the reason gynecologists strongly recommend against douching often.

(iv) Don’t Bath With Too Hot Water

It’s normal to use hot water for bathing in winters. But what you must know is that hot water provides an opportunity for bacteria and fungus to grow, which can lead you to search for how to stop itching down there immediately. That’s why you must use lukewarm water instead of too hot.

(v) Don’t Wear Tight Clothes

Whether you’re suffering from vulvar itching or not, this tip must be followed throughout all the seasons. Tight clothes make your skin tight, and thus, private parts like the vagina get too touchy to the fabric and irritate your skin.

(vi) Get Right Treatment

If this problem continues for a long time, then rather than searching for how to stop itching down there immediately, consult a gynecologist to eliminate the root cause of this problem. Otherwise, the situation can worsen, which can lead to serious health problems. Generally, people keep trying every solution they get online without a professional medic’s opinion. A professional health expert can guide you better after examining the exact cause of itching. 

Wrapping Up

Vaginal itching can turn into a serious problem if not treated well. There can be various reasons, including infections, skin sensitivity, and STIs. The above article has enlisted some ways on how to stop itching down there immediately. Consult with a gynecologist before trying any of the above-listed ways.

NOTE: This article is a general suggestion and does not substitute for professional medical diagnosis. Always consult with a healthcare expert in the respective field before trying anything.