How To Spell Beautiful? 5 Tricks & 10 Easy Synonyms

How To Spell Beautiful? 5 Tricks & 10 Easy Synonyms

Beautiful is a beautiful word, but its spelling can be pretty tough for some people to recall. And it is fine because it happens with many of us (maybe not with this particular word, but some other). Today we’ll talk about how to spell beautiful and discover its synonyms.

The term ‘Beautiful’ is used to express admiration towards someone or something. There are plenty of ways to express how drawn you are to beauty. You can use phrases, metaphors, idioms, and even words related to ‘beautiful.’

Some terms that have a meaning similar to beautiful or that express beauty, are easy, however, some are advanced. But instead of turning your back on advanced terms, you must gather the courage to improve your vocabulary. Start slow, learn 2 to 3 words in a week or even a month, but try to use them in your regular conversations. This will not only help you expand your vocabulary but will also improve your English speaking skills.

What Is Beautiful Meaning?

The word ‘Beautiful’ is used wherever you need to express appreciation regarding how pleasing you find something or someone. It is worth mentioning here that the meaning of ‘beautiful’ (or any other word) gets a little modification according to the sentence it is used in.

For instance, ‘That dress looks beautiful on you.’- Here we are admiring the outward personality/looks of a person. Whereas if we say ‘You are a beautiful soul,’- it means, we are praising the character.

How To Pronounce ‘Beautiful?’

To pronounce ‘beautiful’ correctly, you can use this trick wherein you are required to say one letter at a time. With this trick, you’ll eventually grasp the power of correctly uttering each of its syllables.

How To Pronounce ‘Beautiful?’

  1. First, say- B (as you used to do in 1st grade, but don’t say for Bus or anything)
  2. Next say- U (follow the same rule you did in the first step)
  3. Then say- T (or you can also try to pronounce ‘tea’)

Level-up now…

5. Say- Fu (here you need to read the sound that ‘fu’ brings together)

6. Then read what the sound of ‘L’ brings.

7. Now repeat this whole trick twice or thrice and then try pronouncing the whole word together:

B + U + Tea + Fu + L = BEAUTIFUL

If you want, you can take Google’s way as well:

It helps in learning the pronunciation of many words. For ‘beautiful’ you need to say: byoo + tuh+ fl = Beautiful.

How To Spell Beautiful?

Spelling beautiful can be a little arduous task. People usually get perplexed thinking about where to fit ‘u’ and whether to add an extra ‘l’ to ‘ful’ or not.

How To Spell Beautiful

Here are some spelling tricks for beautiful:

Trick- 1

One of the best ways to learn how to spell beautiful is by repeatedly writing it. So grab your pencil and eraser (or pen as you wish), think of yourself like a kindergarten kid, and practice hard. Allow yourself a few days to learn because it is like practice makes a man perfect. Don’t forget to read the spellings aloud every time you proceed to write it: B + E + A + U + T + I + F + U + L = BEAUTIFUL

On achieving the goal, reward yourself with your favorite treat and be happy. 

Trick- 2

Another thing you can try is learning its spelling from pronunciation. For this, you’ll need to break the word ‘beautiful’ as:

beau + ti + ful

Keep practicing it this way and you’ll learn it faster.

Trick- 3

If you love the French language, chances are, you are familiar with the word ‘beau.’ In that case, all you have to do is add ‘tiful,’ so it becomes easier: ‘beau’ + ‘tiful.’

Trick- 4

If you’re trying to make your 3-6 years toddler learn spellings, then try using the following to make learning fun:

  • Letter block game
  • Spelling flashcards
  • Magnetic alphabets
  • Puzzles
  • Online Spelling Games

Trick- 5

Practicing in front of a mirror is also a great way to get a grasp of spellings. It is commonly advised to learn huge answers and scripts this way, so it will definitely work for a single word like ‘beautiful.’

Now that you’ve learned a few tricks to master the art of learning how to spell beautiful, it’s important to be aware of some common spelling mistakes to avoid any confusion.

Common Misspellings Of Beautiful

For one or another reason, the below-stated misspellings of ‘beautiful’ are widely in use. Make sure you don’t use them:

  • beuatiful
  • beutifull
  • beautful
  • beautifull
  • beautiul
  • beautifal

Many people often get confused while learning how to spell beautiful, and they have the following queries:

  • beautiful or biutiful
  • beautiful or beatiful
  • beautiful or beautyful
  • beautiful or butiful
  • beautiful or beutiful

But now you already know the correct spelling of ‘beautiful,’ so you won’t make these mistakes.

Want to know words you can use instead of ‘beautiful’ to express the meaning? Then read further and explore synonyms of ‘beautiful.’

10 Beautiful Synonyms

Beautiful Synonyms

Time to expand your vocabulary! Here are 10 synonyms of beautiful that you can use to sound like a native:

1. Gorgeous/Ravishing

Meaning: Pretty; Attractive

Used for: Complementing


  • The sky looks gorgeous today!
  • That brown kaftan looked ravishing on you.

2. Stunning

Meaning: Surprisingly impressive

Used for: Appreciation


  • This painting is stunning!
  • The way she jumped from the cliff with her bicycle! That was just so stunning.

3. Astounding/Astonishing

Meaning: Surprisingly Good; Breathtaking

Used for: Appreciation


  • The view over here is astounding!
  • This dress looks astonishing!

4. Alluring

Meaning: Enticing; Tempting

Used for: Appreciation (for things)


  • The appetizers look alluring to me!
  • So far, that light show sounds alluring to me.

5. Captivating

Meaning: Eye-catching, Interesting

Used for: Expressing interest in something


  • We need a captivating design for the cover.
  • The story was so captivating.

6. Exquisite

Meaning: Elegant; Of great beauty

Used for: Highlighting beauty/appearance


  • Don’t you think this place is exquisite for a wedding?
  • What an exquisite background!

7. Mesmerizing

Meaning: Highly attention-grabbing

Used for: Describing something so appealing that you’re lost in it


  • For me, mandala art is the definition of mesmerizing.
  • Her voice was mesmerizing.

8. Magnificent/Scenic

Meaning: Excellent; Great

Used for: Describing an attractive/pretty thing (especially places)


  • Kasulbai in Maharashtra offers many scenic views.
  • This ring is studded with some magnificent jewels.

9. Aesthetic

Meaning: Visually appealing

Used for: Art forms; designs


  • The interior of the house is very aesthetic, but not exactly what I wanted.
  • She spent enormous money on her car aesthetics.

10. Beauteous/Comely

Meaning: Good-looking; Pretty

Used for: Complementing


  • Babies are always comely.
  • She looks beauteous in that bridal attire.

Wrapping Up

The word ‘beautiful’ is an adjective that is typically used to express admiration for someone or something. But when it comes to spelling it, many of us might lose. The above article has mentioned 5 tricks that will assist you in learning how to spell beautiful. In addition, we have talked about ten easy beautiful synonyms also. Hope it helps!

Happy Learning!

Let us know in the comments which other words you find tricky to spell.