How To Shrink A Cystic Pimple Overnight: 8 Magical Home Remedies

How To Shrink A Cystic Pimple Overnight 8 Magical Home Remedies

Cystic pimples are unbearable. That pain and itchiness is just what you want to get rid of ASAP. Plus to that, they also make our face look so bad that you wish you could cover it, but how can you do this, you’ll just be more bothered with that pain and itchiness with the after-sweat of covering it. There is only one solution- learn how to shrink a cystic pimple overnight.

Usually, cystic pimples occur in people with oily skin. Cystic pimples are tiny red-colored spots that can spread out on all your face. They are filled with pus which is the reason they cause a lot of pain and if not treated properly, they can make the situation more derogatory.

To get rid of cystic pimples many people opt for a proper clinical treatment. But if you want to consider some home remedies to save yourself from the worsening condition of these pimples, this article is for you. Today, we’ll discuss how to shrink a cystic pimple overnight.

Why Do Cystic Pimples Appear?

The pollution and dirt that we face daily take a toll on our skin. However, cystic pimples or cystic acne can occur because of two main reasons:

  • Clogged Pores: When the skin pores get clogged due to constant exposure to dirt and pollution, the skin starts to excrete more and more oil. Not just that, little by little, the situation gets worse and the dead skin cells react with the oil taking the form of cystic acne.
  • Bacterial Infection: If you’ve not treated a prolonged bacterial skin infection, it can also give birth to cystic acne or cystic pimples. These are the main reasons why cystic acne occurs.

Apart from these reasons, cystic acne can also appear due to overconsuming sugary stuff or oily food, hormonal changes, stress, or genetic reasons. These small dot-sized red bumps can either be on a particular part of the face like the chin or cheeks or spread to the entire face. Read further to know how to shrink a cystic pimple overnight.

How To Shrink A Cystic Pimple Overnight 

Cystic pimples are not a joke and you must treat them without wasting a single minute. It might take a little time to cure these stubborn pimples in some cases but if you’re just at the starting stage, the below-listed home remedies on how to shrink a cystic pimple overnight can surely help:

1. Ice Treatment

Applying an ice pack on cystic acne can provide instant relief from pain and also reduces swelling.

How To Shrink A Cystic Pimple Overnight

How To Use?

  • Take 3 to 4 ice cubes.
  • Wrap them in a cotton cloth or towel.
  • Crush them down with a rolling pin.
  • Now apply the ice-drenched cloth/towel on the affected area in a circular motion. Be gentle as you might hurt your pimples with force.
  • Keep moving the cloth from one spot to another otherwise, your skin will get sore.

Repeat this treatment 4 to 5 times a day to see the results faster.

2. Turmeric Pack

This easy-to-find kitchen spice can help you if you want to know how to shrink a cystic pimple overnight. It also possesses antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that provide relief from pain-causing cystic pimples. 

How To Use?

  • Make a paste by mixing 1 tbsp turmeric powder with ½ tbsp of water.
  • Apply this turmeric paste on the affected area of your skin using your fingers and leave it for about 30 to 35 minutes. Make sure you don’t put pressure on these pimples otherwise, they will burst leaving you in unbearable pain.
  • After that wash your face with normal water and use a soft towel to wipe the water.

You must use this pack on a regular basis to see the cystic pimples disappear ASAP.

3. Tea Tree Oil

There is nothing to wonder about in discovering tea tree oil in this list of remedies on how to shrink a cystic pimple overnight because they are a common cure for a plethora of skin problems. Tea tree oil has antibacterial properties that fight with these stubborn acne and provide relief from inflammation and pain. 

How To Use?

  • Wash your face with water and apply a little retinoid cream to it.
  • Take a dropper and mix 2 drops of tea tree oil with 10 to 12 drops of water or coconut oil.
  • Drench a cotton swab in the liquid and apply it all over your face.
  • Once the coat gets dry, apply a moisturizer on your face.

To see quick results, use tea tree oil in this way on a gap of every two days.

4. Adapalene For Topical Treatment

Buy a topical cream that includes ‘adapalene’ if you can’t wait any longer and want to know how to shrink a cystic pimple overnight. Adapalene is the combination of benzoyl peroxide and retinoids which eradicates any kind of bacterial infection.

Adapalene For Topical Treatment Of Cystic Acne

How To Use?

  • Wash your face with normal water and wipe it with a soft towel with slight pressure so that you won’t pop your pimples.
  • Now take a little drop-sized amount of adapalene cream on the tip of your ring finger and apply it on the spots. You can also use an earbud for applying the cream.
  • Wash your hands immediately afterward.

You can use this cream without any worries because it is an FDA-approved substance for treating acne.

5. Neem Oil

One of the most effective ways of the golden era to get rid of cystic acne is- neem oil. But it must not be used without any carrier, otherwise, it can cause contact dermatitis. Neem oil contains antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties which make it a diligent choice if you are searching for ways on how to shrink a cystic pimple overnight. It also rejuvenates the skin.

How To Use?

  • Mix 2 to 3 drops of neem oil with 5 drops of water, and coconut oil.
  • After that, drench a cotton swab in the diluted neem oil solution and apply it to the affected area of your face.
  • Leave the solution on for about 5 to 30 minutes and then wash your face with warm water.

It is a natural remedy that can be used on alternate days in a week.

6. Rosewater & Glycerin

Applying the solution of rosewater and glycerin can help a lot in treating the inflammation-causing cystic pimples faster.

How To Use?

  • Take 1 tbsp. of rosewater and mix ½ tbsp. of glycerin in it.
  • Apply this mixture before going to bed daily and rinse it off in the morning with normal water.

Adding cucumber juice or cucumber slush to it will also provide you relief from sharp pain or inflammation.

7. Salicylic Acid

Use Salicylic Acid for treating the pimples best and faster. It contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. So it gives dual benefits, first, it provides instant relief and also kills the bacteria preventing cystic acne from growing.

How To Use?

  • Take a little quantity of Salicylic acid on a cotton swab and apply it all over the affected areas.

Do not use Salicylic acid on healthy skin otherwise, it may cause harm.

8. Aloe Vera Gel

Last but not the least, aloe vera gel can be very beneficial if you are looking for how to shrink a cystic pimple overnight. It has been used as a topical medication since the golden era and fights bacteria and skin infections.

Aloe Vera Gel For Cystic Pimples

How to Use?

  • Get 1 or 2 stems of the aloe vera plant.
  • Make a horizontal cut at the bottom of the aloe vera plant stems.
  • Then make the stems stand in an upright position and place a utensil below them.
  • Wait for about 4 to 5 hours to let the yellow liquid dissipate completely because it is harmful.
  • Cut the upper and lower green shell and collect the aloe vera gel in a separate bowl in cubes.
  • You can apply it daily on your face and leave it until it is dry.
  • Then wash your face with normal water.

You can store the aloe vera gel in the refrigerator in an airtight container.

When To See A Dermatologist?

Although we’ve just discussed how to shrink a cystic pimple overnight at home, you must consider professional advice if no relief is seen. Severe cystic pimples can cause never-ending pain no matter how much you try. In that case, you must see a dermatologist.

Pregnant women and lactating mothers must consult a doctor in this situation. Your dermatologist might give you over-the-counter medications that will help you heal from this acne. Or else, they might ask you to undergo a needle treatment in which they will drain your pimples under professional supervision. Needle treatment might leave some spot patches on your skin and swelling on your face.

The majority of dermatologists suggest topical ointments or retinoid-based skin creams to treat cystic acne. Apart from retinoids, adapalene, tretinoin, and benzoyl peroxide can also be effective in treating bacterial infections that develop into cystic pimples.

Women who take birth control pills and anti-estrogen substances may also face the problem of cystic acne. They can consult a skin specialist for treating hormonal imbalances caused due to the pills. 

If no other way works, then your dermatologist might ask you to go for laser therapy. With laser therapy, the sebaceous glands will be burned or the bacteria will be removed from your skin through burning so that they stop reacting with your skin and hence stop the production of cystic acne.

Additional Care

  • Do not pop your pimples as the pus can spread to other areas and give rise to more pimples.
  • If your skin is oily, apply a moisturizer daily.
  • Don’t touch your face again and again.
  • Make sure not to use chemical products (make up) on your face as they may irritate your skin.
  • Consult a dermatologist if you experience sharp inflammation or pain.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

#1. Should I Pop Cystic Pimples?

Not at all, it will make the pus spread to the other areas and you’ll generate more of them.

#2. How To Shrink A Cystic Pimple Overnight?

To shrink a cystic pimple overnight at home, you can use: salicylic acid, rosewater and glycerin (together), cucumber slush/puree, tea tree oil (with carrier), adapalene containing topical cream, neem oil (with carrier), turmeric face pack, and an ice pack. Refer to the above article for detailed procedures.

#3. Can I Put Ice On Cystic Pimples?

Yes, you can use an ice pack on cystic pimples. In fact, it is quite effective and provides relief from the inflammation due to cystic acne.

#4. What Food Causes Cystic Acne?

Deep-fried food and spicy food items cause cystic acne like a dime a dozen. Excess sugar intake also results in the production of cystic acne.

#5. Is Cystic Acne Hormonal?

Cystic acne can develop due to hormonal imbalance. Especially women who consume birth control pills or anti-estrogen medications are at higher risk of developing this condition.

Bottom Line

Cystic pimples or cystic acne can be very painful and irritating. They not only make you look bad but also hurt a lot when touched unintentionally. Leaving these pus-filled acne untreated can give birth to a plethora of skin problems and even deteriorate your overall health with fever due to pain or blood infection. That’s why they must be treated well in time.

The above article has enlisted home remedies on how to shrink a cystic pimple overnight that can reduce pain and make cystic pimples disappear in almost no time. If none of the above-mentioned ways work for you or your condition is getting worse day by day, you must see a dermatologist.