How To Remove Blackheads From Nose: 15 Home Remedies

How To Remove Blackheads From Nose: 15 Home Remedies

Blackheads not only shatter your beauty but also deface your skin. It is not that easy to keep these stubborn tiny dot-like structures from developing, but you can surely get rid of them once you know how to remove blackheads from nose.

Although there are a plethora of skincare products available in the market, blackheads can be terminated at home with natural skin exfoliators. These tiny black spots on the nose start to appear when the pollutants and bacteria get deposited deep down the skin cells and block the pores.

Pulling out blackheads from the nose can be a tedious task because they are deposited deep in the skin. But certain home remedies and skin regime can help if you’re stuck wondering how to remove blackheads from nose.

Why Do Blackheads Occur?

It is not hard for dirt and pollution to touch our skin. But the problem starts when it gets deposited into our skin. When dust particles come in contact with air, take the form of blackheads.

Not just on the nose, but these can also appear on your chin, forehead, shoulders, and arms. Apart from dirt and pollution, improper lifestyle habits, stress, hormonal imbalance, and unhealthy and spicy food is also a cause of blackheads.


Nevertheless, several home remedies can prove beneficial for removing blackheads. In addition, you must follow a skin regime so that you do not need to search again for how to remove blackheads from nose.

How To Remove Blackheads From Nose: Home Remedies

Here are the best home remedies if you aren’t aware of how to remove blackheads from nose:

1) Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera gel extracted from the aloe vera plant directly can be more beneficial, make sure to dissipate the yellow extract before using the gel because it is harmful. You should include it in your regular skin regime to see speedy recovery from blackheads. It has wonderful benefits and can be applied to the face to add a glow to your skin.

2) Coffee & Sugar

If you’re wondering how to remove blackheads from nose, use coffee powder and sugar. Take a bowl and put 1 tbsp. of ground coffee in it. Now add ½ tbsp. of regular sugar and 5 drops of coconut oil to it. Rub this oil mixture on your nose and wash it after 10 minutes with normal water. 

3) Baking Soda

Baking soda not only eradicates stubborn blackheads but can also make the deposited oil disappear from the skin. Prepare a paste with 1 tbsp. of baking soda and 2 tbsp. of water. Scrub your nose with it for a few minutes and leave it on for about 10 minutes, then gently rinse it with warm water.

4) Rice Flour & Aloe Vera Gel

To remove blackheads from the nose, rice flour, and aloe vera gel can prove pretty effective, as they will exfoliate your skin. Take 1 tbsp. rice flour and ½ tbsp. aloe vera gel to make a paste. Put this paste on your nose and let it dry. You may now leave this paste on for about 15 to 20 minutes and after that rub your nose in circular motions with minimal force to efface it.

5) Honey & Lemon

Apply the paste of 1 tbsp. honey and ½ tsp of lemon on your nose to get rid of blackheads. Honey has antibacterial properties that stop the growth of blackheads and lemon cleanses the skin. But if you’re irritated by lemon, do not use it. Also, if you have a rash or swelling on your nose, lemon can cause pain and irritation.

6) Brown Sugar & Honey Scrub

If it’s not convenient for you to use lemon on your skin, you can try this method. Make a paste with 1 tbsp. of brown sugar and 1 tbsp. of honey. Sugar (both white and brown) acts as a splendid skin exfoliator. Rub the paste on your nose and leave it for 5 minutes. Then wash your face with warm water. 

remove blackheads from nose at home

Or else, take 5 tbsp. of brown sugar and mix 1 to 2 tbsp. of coconut oil or jojoba oil in it. Rub this scrub over your nose and massage the affected area with your fingers in circular motions (clockwise and anti-clockwise). Do this for 10 minutes and then leave the scrub on for 10 minutes. After that, you can use normal water to take it off. Make sure not to use soap instantly. Also, apply a cream on your face after washing it. Use this remedy and you won’t need to search for how to remove blackheads from nose again.

7) Tomatoes

Those who eat tomatoes daily know how much benefit it does to the skin. Cut a tomato into two halves and rub it over your nose.  Rub gentle pressure while moving your hands in clockwise and anti-clockwise directions. Leave it to dry, it might take nearly 10 to 15 minutes. Afterward, you can wash your face with warm water.

8) Oats Pack

Oats act as a natural exfoliator for the skin and remove extra oil and dead skin cells. If you don’t know how to remove blackheads from nose with the help of oats, then here you go: mix a few drops of rose water with 1 tbsp. of ground oats or oats powder. Scrub your nose gently with this solution for 5 to 6 minutes. After 10 minutes, rinse your face with normal water.

9) Salicylic Acid Face Serum

Extracted from the Willow Tree, this acid acts as a natural skin-peeling mask which is known for removing the dead skin cells from the topical layer of our skin. It works like a charm to eliminate blackheads. Take a tiny dot-sized quantity of this acid on a cotton swab or your fingertips and apply it only on the affected area. Remember that applying salicylic acid on healthy skin can have opposite results. 

10) Benzoyl Peroxide

It is a skin-peeling agent that can provide quick results. This is an antibacterial agent and hence can eliminate blackheads. Pat a little coat of a skin cream on your nose using a cotton swab. You can also mix it with a few drops of salicylic acid for better results.

11) Tea Tree Oil

With antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, tea tree oil keeps the blackheads and skin irritation away. For removing blackheads, apply diluted tea tree oil (dilute it with a few drops of water) on the nose with cotton swabs. Do this 4 to 5 times in a week and you’ll see the results.

12) Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) Creams

AHA is an FDA-approved skin exfoliator. It can be used to treat topical skin issues and can wipe out blackheads from the nose.

AHA for removing blackheads from nose

AHA acts as a skin-peeling agent and therefore is an effective solution to the problem of how to remove blackheads from nose.

13) Green Tea

Another typical natural ingredient that can prove to be quite a cure for blackheads is green tea. Take 1 tbsp of green tea leaves and mix it with water to make a paste. Apply this paste on your nose to get rid of the troublesome blackheads. Wash your face with warm water after 20 minutes.

14) Banana Peels

Yes, you read that right! Banana peels are also quite effective in vanishing away dead skin cells and blackheads. Rub the inside of a banana peel on your nose in a clockwise and anticlockwise direction. Repeat this activity daily and you’ll see the results in 5 to 7 days.

15) Turmeric

You must have turmeric in your kitchen cabinet. Did you know turmeric possesses antioxidants that is how it can leverage you if you’re struggling hard to search for how to remove blackheads from nose? Add a few drops of coconut oil to 1 tbsp. of turmeric and massage the prepared paste onto your nose. Leave it applied for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse your face with normal water. Use this pack can twice or thrice a week for quick results.

How To Remove Blackheads From Nose: Skin Regime

An effective skin regime is also needed to prevent blackheads from recurring:

(i) Scrubbing: Many people believe that scrubbing can only make the skin soft. But it can do more than that. It can help in getting rid of acne and blackheads effectively. You can use homemade scrubs or buy one from the market but keep in mind that it must have sodium tetraborate decahydrate granules. It’ll easily take out the problematic blackheads. Scrubbing is also a safe solution for people with sensitive skin.

(ii) Exfoliation: It helps in removing dead skin cells from the body. The homemade packs we talked about previously in this article are natural exfoliators. 

(iii) Pore Strips For Nose: Pore strips are easily available in the market and can be used to expunge stubborn blackheads. To make one at home mix 1 tbsp. of honey and 2 tbsp. of raw milk. Now warm the mixture a little and apply it to your nose. After 10 minutes, peel off the dried mask and get rid of your blackheads.

Pore Strips For Nose

(iv) Steam For Face: Hot water steam must be a part of your skin regimen because of its skin-nurturing benefits. It opens the pores, improves blood circulation, and washes out all the dirt hiding deep down. It’s a very effective way of getting rid of blackheads. So make sure to take out a few minutes every evening to take steam, if you don’t wish to bother about how to remove blackheads from nose again.

(v) Keep Your Make-Up Light: From sunscreen to blush, you must keep your make-up light because heavy use of chemicals day in and day out can harm your skin cells.

With all the above-listed treatments, you must make some lifestyle changes that can help you in stopping blackheads from reappearing. These tips are:

  • Drink at least 10 glasses of water daily.
  • Make a sleep routine and follow it.
  • Cover your face whenever you’re out.
  • Use an umbrella to protect your skin from UV rays.

Removing blackheads isn’t a cinch since the dirt, oil, and pollution get deposited deep into the layers of skin. If not treated timely these blackheads can make a home in your skin. But the above-listed home remedies and skin regime along with the lifestyle tips can help you eradicate them and prevent them from returning.

Before You Go!

Blackheads are the result of constant exposure to dirt and pollution. It can be quite irritating to see them. The above article has aimed to provide home remedies with natural products and skin regimen for those struggling hard searching how to remove blackheads from nose. Along with that, you must eat a nutritious diet. It is a scientifically proven fact that what we eat reflects on our skin. So incorporate healthy food into your diet. Cucumber, broccoli, oranges, strawberries, watermelon, etc. are a few items that keep the body hydrated.