How To Make Yourself Pee: 10 Natural Ways

How To Make Yourself Pee: 10 Natural Ways

Peeing is a natural process that eliminates excess water and fluid waste from the body and shouldn’t be forced. But for times when you are required to urinate deliberately, for instance, for a medical test, you must know how to make yourself pee.

Our body gives us natural indications for understanding its normal course of activities with time. Urination is one such process that we sense when our bladder is filled to its highest level and unable to hold any more discharge of fluid waste. That is when we feel the urge to get up from our seats and walk to the washroom. Many people often neglect this urge, but it can be fatal for health as urine includes many toxic elements.

Although it isn’t healthy to pee too much, at times, when you’re asked for a urine sample or an abdominal ultrasound, you will be required to form a pressure that makes you feel like peeing. This article unveils ten ways to pee naturally.

How To Make Yourself Pee?

Below are 10 ways that can help you relieve the pressure of your bladder naturally:

1) Drink Plenty Of Water

One of the reasons you might not be able to develop an urge to see the washroom can be dehydration or an inadequate level of water in the body. Gulping down a few glasses of water can be a very effective and natural technique to build pressure in your bladder. 

2) Hear Sound Of Trickling Water

Running Water Sound Helps Pee

People have reportedly found themselves developing an urge to urinate when they hear the sound of trickling water. The sound of running water is said to activate the body’s parasympathetic nervous system which in turn makes the bladder muscles relax. So the next time you feel trouble while giving your urine sample, simply go to the washroom, turn on the faucet or tap before using the toilet and your job will be pretty easy.

3) Consume Fruits

Certain fruits can trigger the bladder to pee so if you’re searching for how to make yourself pee naturally, you must munch on these fruits: bananas, oranges, apples, cantaloupe, watermelon, grapefruits, etc. 

4) Have A Caffeinated Drink

Caffeine is a diuretic and escalates the fluid build-up in the bladder and hence makes you urinate quickly. So sipping on a cup of coffee, or tea or munching on chocolates can ease your pain of peeing.

5) Sports Drink

Sports drinks are high in caffeine levels and also increase electrolytes which helps restore the body’s hydration level. Gulping on a sports drink can develop the urge to go number one. However, overconsumption of sports drinks can increase your weight and give birth to tons of diseases.

6) Noninvasive Suprapubic Tap

Noninvasive Suprapubic Tap
Image Credits: BMJ Journals

It is a technique that is used on infants for urine analysis. As per NBCI, it is performed by “holding the infant under the axillae, with legs dangling, and stimulating voiding by rapidly tapping the suprapubic area for 30 seconds, then gently massaging in a circular pattern over the paralumbar area bilaterally for 30 seconds. The tapping and massage are repeated alternately until the infant voids, and the urine is collected “mid-stream”. So try this method when you face trouble peeing.

7) Sniff Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is an essential oil that relieves a plethora of health conditions. It also makes the bladder release water quickly. All you have to do is pour a few drops of peppermint oil on a cotton swab or a cotton cloth. Go to the restroom and take a position to urinate as you usually do. While sitting on the toilet seat, inhale the aroma of peppermint oil.

8) Vegetables To Your Rescue

If you’ve always been making faces at the sight of green vegetables such as cucumber, beetroot, celery, asparagus, cabbage, broccoli, lettuce, zucchini, and bell peppers, you must be friends with them as they can stimulate the urge to run to the washroom when you need to pee deliberately.

9) Bend Your Body

While you sit on the toilet seat ready to pee, occasionally bend your body forward and stimulate your bladder to pee. To sit comfortably in this manner, keep your feet flat on the floor while sitting on the toilet seat. Bring your elbows above your knees and bend forward a bit. Medical experts hold the view that sitting this way can increase the chances of emptying your bladder.

10) Valsalva Maneuver

A posture of sitting known as Valsalva Maneuver can also help you a lot in discarding excess water from the body.

  • First of all, sit straight on the floor.
  • Take a deep breath and put your index finger and thumb on your nostrils to cover them.
  • Make sure you don’t breathe out from your mouth while doing Valsalva Maneuver. Try to breathe out while holding the air pressure inside you for about 15 to 20 seconds. If you find it difficult, give a shot to other methods of how to make yourself pee.
Valsalva Maneuver
Image Credits: Very Well Health

NOTE: It is strongly recommended to not make any kind of modifications to your diet or try any of the methods without the prior consent of your doctor because everyone has a different medical history and not all the things are suitable for everyone.

Why Can’t I Pee?

This is a problem that urologists hear a dime a dozen. Not being able to pee is as risky as to pee frequently. Moreover, there might arise certain health conditions that can make you struggle to discharge urine:

  • Surgery: People who have undergone surgeries find it pretty hefty to pee. This happens because the body’s nervous system takes time to adapt post-surgery and has difficulty assessing when your bladder is completely filled. In medical terms, this condition is called ‘neurogenic bladder.’ 
  • Underlying Health Problems: Certain conditions like overactive bladder, pelvic trauma, urinary tract infection, enlarged prostate, etc. can cause hindrances while urinating. People who hold their urine are at frequent risk of developing such conditions. However, bad lifestyle habits can also be the reason for this.

Furthermore, your bladder can retain water for longer if you have been inactive for longer as in a train or flight. It can also occur due to some underlying health adversities such as kidney failure, hormonal imbalance, and menstrual cycle.

  • Bloating: Abdominal issues like bloating can make it difficult for you to urinate even after sensing nature’s call. That’s why you must be aware of how to make yourself pee right away.

Bottom Line

Whether your doctor asks you for a urine sample or you want to face trouble while urinating, the methods mentioned in the above article can help you a lot. All the techniques on how to make yourself pee mentioned in the article are generic, however, they can adversely affect a person based on their medical history or an underlying health condition. So you must consult with your doctor before trying any of them.