How To Make Yourself Cry On Command: Tips & Tricks To Shed Tears

How To Make Yourself Cry On Command: Tips & Tricks To Shed Tears

Are you a budding artist trying in the field of acting? Then you must have searched at least once in your life- ‘how to make yourself cry?’. 

Crying is a result of a strong sentimental impact on a person. It is the only reason actors/actresses dive deep into the character that they are given. But acting isn’t the only reason for instigating crying. Another perspective of crying relates to psychological health.

As a kid, most of us have shed tears on a plethora of instances without even being told, but as we grow we tend to suppress our emotions. You must have heard of that ‘crying is for cowards’ phrase a dime a dozen. But do you know that continuing this which in medical terms is termed as ‘repressive coping’ can have adverse effects on health? Gulping down your tears every time increases the risk of deteriorating mental health.

How To Make Yourself Cry: Physical Tricks

Showing any emotion as and when required is not everyone’s cup of tea, let alone crying. In this article, we’ll discuss ways to make yourself shed tears on cue.

1. Eat Some Fresh Green Chillies/Spicy

Eat Green Chillies To Cry

Have you ever seen someone breaking a record to eat maximum chilies? Sounds weird, right? But people do try such things. You can try this challenge if you can bear hurting your throat and esophagus. Well, you need not eat chillies but you can eat something spicy. This will surely get tears out of your eyes. Guaranteed!

2. Stare At A Place Without Blinking

When we stare at some place for longer (really longer) without blinking our eyes, waterworks start. So next time you want to get water out of your eyes, try this trick.

3. Onions Can Help


Chop Onions For Crying

When you can’t figure out how to make yourself cry instantly, think of onions. Of course, onions have made most of us cry against our will, so why not try it to get those droplets out of your eyes when needed? Crying in this way will demand a little hard work though. You need to grab an onion or two, peel their skin off, and chop them until your eyes turn watery.

4. Watch An Emotional Movie/Drama

When you want to cry, grab a bowl full of popcorn or your favorite snack and watch emotional drama series/movies or clips. It can help you weep out of your heart without much effort. So you can ease the discomfort of holding yourself back and just go with the flow.

5. Use Menthol Tear Sticks

Menthol tear sticks are a go-to option for actors who need to cry on cue. This stick comes with a lipstick mechanism. All you’ve to do is roll the tear stick on your under eyes 15 mm (below the eyes). Then wait and let the tear stick do its wonders.

6. Go Vibing With Emotional Songs

It works! When how to make yourself cry seems like an impossible task, this really works! When you feel like going sobbing, listening to emotional songs can do a lot. It stimulates chemical reactions when we think of a particular scenario, instance, or person that we associate to a particular song.

Tips To Cry Instantly

Those chemical reactions make the salt water run out of your eyes. So hear your fav emotional track on headphones, the experience will be better with them.

Emotional Stimulation To Cry

They say “Cry. Forgive. Learn. Move on. Let the tears water the seeds of your future happiness.” The below-mentioned ways can make crying an easy job for you:

1. Cry In Front Of God

Lucky are those who have cried because they have understood the truth of life. Spiritual guides often emphasize imagining ourselves as a child who gets lost in a market rush because he/she didn’t hold tight to his parent’s hands. We are all in this world lost in greed, jealousy, and anger so much so that we never realize that we are separated from the Almighty for ages. When you feel this, the tears you’ll shed will not only make you feel good but also be meaningful, otherwise, we’ll have been crying for perishable things in this world all our life.

2. Realize Your Mistakes

Sometimes introspection can help you cry. Although we humans tend to defend our stand, there are times when we realize in person that we were wrong a plethora of times. There might be a person we’ve parted ways with a deal that we could have achieved or a moment that we wrongfully ruined by our reaction. Such things, minor or major, can also make an impact on your sentiments and make you feel like weeping and lifting off the heavy baggage that you’ve been carrying for so long. 

3. Think Of Something Disturbing

The easiest method to make yourself shed tears in the cue is to remember something disturbing or sad event that you’ve come across. It can be a childhood memory, a cheating person, or being misunderstood by someone you hold a close belief in.

4. Count Your Blessings

Tears don’t necessarily have to be painful, right? Sometimes we get so overwhelmed by certain instances that we cry. For instance, meeting a childhood friend after a long time, or achieving a goal. If that has some time due, think of all the things that you’ve in life and be thankful for them. Most of us don’t realize but we have been blessed with a healthy body, we can talk, walk, move, and see this world and the colors, such things are incredible but since we have got them without even asking for them, we don’t care for their worth.


How To Make Yourself Cry

All the above points are ways that can make you cry but in case you want to burst out your stress remember that crying is not the only way. There are a lot of other ways. For instance, if you like running, run, if you love to play volleyball, play volleyball, if you like spending time with kids, go for it. Just channelize your energy and emotions into something good and productive, and for one thing, sports actually help in such cases making you feel at ease.

Is Crying Deliberately Good?

As a matter of fact, men are more prone to mental diseases than women as they swallow their tears. That’s why health experts are of the view that one must weep all their worries once in a while.

Although you must not put your body in any drastic mood change just like that, if you have been a tough cookie all day long and wish to let go of your genuine burden, you can give a shot to the above-listed ways on how to make yourself cry. But if life has made you a hard-core robot-kind of person, read the benefits of crying mentioned below:

  • Crying Uplifts Your Mood: You can try this anytime, whenever you cry, you’ll be sobbing in tears for some while but after releasing all your mental pressure, you’ll feel at ease. That feeling is very much needed because those who don’t relieve their stress outwards, face a lot of difficulty attaining mental peace.
  • Crying Cleans Your Eyes: It’s a scientifically proven fact that when we cry, all the dirt residing in our eyes gets expunged automatically. That’s why letting yourself free to break yourself into tears occasionally can act in favor of your eyes, remember not to put pressure on your eyes for this purpose. 
  • Crying Is A Sign You’re Alive: Crying isn’t a sign of incompetence, but rather an endearing act that one can pull when they trust themselves and hold belief in being true to their emotions. It is a sign that the human inside us is still alive and we have the chance to understand and empathize with other people’s pain and suffering.


There can be numerous reasons why you feel like crying but you can’t. Most of us tend to develop a habit of not crying because we are mature enough to handle situations. But if you don’t cry for a longer period of time, you are putting yourself at risk of developing mental disorders. That’s why crying once in a while won’t hurt whether you’re an artist pursuing a career in acting or not.

The above article has enlisted 10 ways on how to make yourself cry including physical tricks and emotional stimulation.