How To Make Your Period Come Faster: 6 Natural Ways

How To Make Your Period Come Faster: 6 Natural Ways

Delayed periods are one among the things that can make a female anxious. If you’re also struggling through the same dilemma and want to know how to make your period come faster, you’ve landed on the right page.

In this overhauling journey of our lives, there are a plethora of factors that contribute to late periods including our addiction to junk food, skipping on exercise, and stressful events day in and day out.

With so much going on in your head from the upcoming deadline of your on-hand project to listing down the best career alternatives for your child, dealing with the snag of late periods is not a cinch. But worry not as you are about to discover natural ways on how to get periods fastly. So make sure to give this article a read!

Something Important Though!

  • Any of the items mentioned in this article should be included in your diet only after consulting with a doctor because we all have different health backgrounds.
  • These tips are not for pregnant women as they can terminate pregnancy. So if you have a doubt that your delay in period is due to conceiving, please confirm that first.
  • Prolonged delay in periods must not be cured with tactics to call your menstrual cycle faster. You must visit a general practitioner or gynecologist for a check-up.

How To Make Your Period Come Faster?

For inducing periods faster, food items containing Emmenagogues (the kind of natural herbs that stimulate menstrual flow) are consumed. Though it is not backed by any scientific evidence, emmenagogues are a part of our traditional medical history.

So here is the list of food items that can assist you in calling your menses faster:

1. Jaggery

How To Make Your Period Come Faster

Consuming jaggery once or twice a day can increase the chances of inducing periods. This is the most healthy and tasteful alternative for you if you’re tired of searching for how to get your periods fast. Alternatively, you can munch on roasted horse gram and jaggery (gur-chana) all by itself or with a warm cup of fennel water (or simple water) to instigate your monthly cycle faster.

2. Ginger

From headaches to vomiting and from nausea to delayed periods, there is nothing ginger can’t beat. All you have to do is boil some grated ginger in water and sip on it once it’s warm or reaches room temperature. Or else, you can secrete 1 tbsp of ginger juice from grated ginger simply with your hands or a spoon and have it. You can add ½ tsp of honey into it to balance its taste.

3. Turmeric

It is believed that turmeric possesses blood-thinning properties which is the reason it secures a place in this list of items for calling periods sooner. It is also said to be used for the treatment of PMS.

4. White Sesame Seeds (Safed Til)

White Sesame Seeds

These are natural elevators of estrogen and hence are a good natural solution if you’re beating your head around how to make period come faster; here is how: boil 1 tbsp of white sesame seeds (or safed til) in 2 glasses of water until you’re left with half the quantity of water. Now sieve it and let it come to room temperature so that you can drink it. To induce your menstrual cycle quickly, have this healthy drink two times a day.

5. Carom Seeds (Ajwain)

Ajwain or carom seeds are a common kitchen ingredient that is known to be beneficial if you want to know how to make your period come faster. Boil 1 tbsp carom seeds (or ajwain) and 1 tbsp jaggery (gur) in 1 glass of water. Let it come to room temperature and gulp it down empty stomach every morning. Not only will it help you get your menstrual cycle back on track, but will also reduce the pain of period cramps.

6. Papaya

Another remedial soothing food item for inducing periods is papaya, which is an exceptional source of Vitamin C and has the potential to trigger menses in women.

How To Get Periods Fast

Papaya leaves juice can also help you in this regard; to prepare it, churn together 3 to 4 papaya leaves, water, some salt, and a little sugar in a mixer or juicer and strain it before siping on it.

An Added Effort

To call your period before time, making some lifestyle changes is as imperative as knowing how to make your period come faster. So, here is what you need to take care of:

(i) Do Stress Buster Activities

With a lot going on day in and day out, stress automatically becomes a part of life and takes a toll on our body’s hormonal balance, which for a woman can result in irregular menses. So try some stress-buster activities like meditation and yoga.

(ii) Exercise Regularly

Regardless of how many times we make plans of exercising, we end up ignoring it just like anything. But exercise can make a lot of impact in calling your periods early. This happens due to the heat produced in a woman’s body stimulating the menstrual cycle. It’s noteworthy here that women who already follow a stern exercising routine are advised not to overstretch their workout hours as it might work the opposite for them, consuming more of their energy and weakening the body’s system, eventually leading to late periods.

(iii) Ditch Junk Food

A majority of the global population these days is after junk food to soothe their taste buds. But if you want to make the most of the ways of how to get periods fastly, you’ve to ditch it because the unhealthy fats and spices present in it adversely affect the body’s metabolism and create hormonal imbalance, consequently, making your monthly cycle irregular.

(iv) Use Hot Water Pack

If you’re willing to know how to get your periods fast, you must be aware of the benefits of applying a hot water pack to the lower abdominal region. It produces heat in the lower abdomen that results in inducing menses early. In addition, a hot water bath will also do for you.

(v) Cut Down On Caffeine Intake

Another change that you must make in your lifestyle to ensure your efforts around how to make period come faster reap benefits is to cut down on your caffeine intake. Caffeine shakes hormonal balance which hinders the menstrual cycle.

Should I Call My Periods Faster?

This is a matter of debate among many. Nevertheless, General Practitioners (GPs) and Gynecologists do not support the view of calling periods early. In case you’re experiencing the phase of irregular periods, you must talk with a specialist before proceeding with anything. This is so because any change we make, whether to our diet or lifestyle, affects our body inside-out which is tampering with the body’s system, and that is not recommended, and especially not when it is done to make sure that periods don’t spoil your upcoming vacation or any events.

How To Make Your Period Come Faster

Moreover, calling periods early every now and then deliberately has the following side effects:

  • Body Weight Fluctuations
  • Abnormal Periods
  • Skin Problems
  • Hypertension
  • Blood Clotting

That’s why, it is strongly advised that one must always go for a one-to-one discussion with a specialist based on their medical history.


Irregular periods make it a painstaking task to manage your daily chores. Only if there was something that you could do about it. Well, there indeed are some natural food items and lifestyle changes that can induce periods faster. Nevertheless, you must not make it a habit to call your monthly cycle regularly just to avoid any discomfort in an event or vacation.

NOTE: If you’re facing irregularities in your menstruation repeatedly, then discuss this problem with a specialist.