How To Get Water Out Of Your Ear: 10 Ways That Work Like Magic

How To Get Water Out Of Your Ear: 10 Ways That Work Like Magic

Is your ear water clogged? It is an irritating feeling for sure. But do you know how to get water out of your ear?

Getting water trapped in your ear canal while bathing or swimming isn’t something that happens just to you. Such cases are a dime a dozen. But it gets worse when we try anything and everything to expunge out the water. You might get succeeded sometimes, but if it is not done appropriately, chances are it might turn into an ear infection.

That makes it inevitable to learn some ways for expunging water out of your ear. Today we’ll discuss 10 ways to get your ear all clear from water easily without hurting any internal part, so make sure to give this a read.

How To Get Water Out Of Your Ear?

Here are 10 ways that you can try at home and show the water exit door of your ear:

1) Tilting Your Head Will Help

The very first thing that you should do as soon as you realize your ear is water-clogged is to tilt your head to the side with the affected ear downwards.

How To Get Water Out Of Your Ear

The science behind this is quite easy. When you lie down in this manner, the ‘g for gravity’ will do its wonders. Give a little jerk to your head, it’ll elevate the chances of water getting removed.

2) Use A Dry & Clean Cloth

This is a very typical method for those who want to do away with water stuck inside the ear canal. Take a clean and dry cloth to wipe out water from the external parts of the ear. Be cautious because pushing the cloth too much into the ear can transfer a bit of water to internal areas.

3) Jump! Jump! Jump!

It might sound a little weird but jumping is a potent way to clear your ears off water. The water will get eliminated from the ear canal because of frequent movement.

4) Try Running

The same logic of jumping applies here, fast movement of the body will shake the ears which escalates the chances of bringing the clogged water to the outer surface and you’ll get the job done.

5) Do Valsalva Maneuver

It is a well-known fact that the nose, throat, and ears are connected. That’s why the Valsalva maneuver is a good alternative for you if you’re willing to know the ropes of how to get water out of your ear. 

  • First, sit straight on the floor.
  • Take a deep breath in and cover your nostrils using the index finger and thumb of your hand.

Valsalva Maneuver

  • Don’t breathe out from your mouth or nose. Then try to breathe out while holding the air pressure inside you. You need to hold the air for about 15 to 20 seconds, if you can’t you can try other methods of how to get water out of your ear.

6) Use Ear Drying Drops

ENT specialists often suggest using ear drying drops to take out water from the ear. So go to your nearby chemist shop and buy the prescribed ear drying drop. If your eardrum is ruptured, your specialist might not advise you to use this method.

7) Shake Your Earlobe

Shaking your earlobe can also help in draining your ear. But first tilt your head on the side of the affected ear, otherwise the water can also go deeper into your ear. When we do so, the ear canal gets straightened up which provides a clear route for water to get out.

8) Take Out Your Hair Dryer

This will do just right if you want to get ways on how to get water out of your ear quickly, but remember to be cautious. Hold your blow dryer at a distance of 1 ft. from your water-clogged ear and switch it on at the lowest power setting. Keep moving it if it feels too hot to bear the hot waves. The heated air will evaporate the water from your ear.

9) Give A Shot To Creating A Vacuum

No no, you don’t need a vacuum cleaner for this. Just follow these steps:

  • Cup one of your hands and take it to the affected ear.
  • Now press your ear gently with your hand making your palm flat.
  • Take your hand back to the previous position in the previous cup formation.
  • Repeat this activity 4 to 5 times.
  • Lastly, lie down with your head tilted in a position that the affected ear faces downward.

This technique will provide a suction pump creating a vacuum for water to flow out.

10) A Warm Compress Will Come In Handy

If you want to know how to get water out of your ear, a warm compress will come in handy. All you need to do is to drench a hand towel or clean cloth in warm water. Squeeze out the excess water and put your ear on the warm cloth. It’ll help relax the nerves of your ear canal and provide a soothing effect. You can try shaking your earlobe to drain your ear.

What Not To Do If Water Gets Stuck In Your Ear?

It is as important to know what not to do if your ear is water-clogged as knowing how to get water out of your ear, so that the situation doesn’t go out of hand. 

  • Inserting Earbuds

Earbuds Can Cause Problem To Ears

You must not insert earbuds, fingers, or bobby pins into the affected ear. Otherwise, you might hurt the internal organs of your ear.

  • Using Homemade Oils

Do not put any kind of oil into your ear until you’ve checked with an ENT specialist.

What Happens If You Have Water In Your Ear For Too Long?

If water remains in your ear for too long, then it can get infected. It might even develop into a swimmer’s ear, labyrinthitis, glue ear, etc.

Closing Words

Water can get stuck in your ear for a number of reasons. For instance, it can enter into the ear while bathing, swimming, or even if you use earphones for a long period (sweat). But it is important to be aware of how to get water out of your ear and what must not be used. The 10 ways listed above will assist you in taking the right care of your water-clogged ear.

If your problem persists even after trying these formulas, you must go to an ENT specialist.