How To Get Something Out Of Your Eye: 5 Ways To Discard The Irritant

How To Get Something Out Of Your Eye

You’re walking on the road, and suddenly a storm starts. With high-speed winds, chances are, dust particles or any tiny material can cross the eyelids and enter your eyes. This is really troublesome as it becomes a biting a bullet kind of a task to take forward the next step until you get rid of that particular thing in your eyes. Only if you did know how to get something out of your eye, could you have applied an appropriate way.

Most of us tend to rub our eyes as soon as debris or any other atom-sized element hits our eyes. But that can sometimes hurt the eyes even more.

So you should not be taking any chances with the most delicate body part and try the amazing tips and tricks mentioned in this article.

How To Get Something Out Of Your Eye?

Regardless of the size of the thing that has stuck in your eyes, the discomfort it gives is always another level. Here are a few ways on how to get something out of your eye when you can barely see with the stuck material: 

Blink And Blink Again

This has to be your first resort to get rid of the self-invited element that is bothering your eyes. Blink your eyelids as much as you can. It’ll force the thing whatsoever it is to come out of your eyes.

Wash Your Eyes With Water

Washing your eyes with cold water is another rescue in such a dilemma. For this, locate a water source like a running tap or hand pump nearby if you are outside, then make a cup with your one hand and wait until you collect a decent amount of water. Once filled, place the other hand on your face below the affected eye and stretch downwards to open it. Splash the water into your eyes frequently until you get rid of the bothersome substance.

Use Eye Wash Solution

If washing your eyes with water doesn’t vanish the irritation, then opt for another method of how to get something out of your eye which is- Eye Wash Solutions. These solutions can be easily found at a medical store but be certain to buy the one that your eye specialist recommends after your check-up. It can help you dislodge anything that is stuck in your eyes be it a tiny dust particle, a small insect, or animal fur.

How To Get Something Out Of Your Eye

A plethora of eye wash solutions usually come with an eye cup and you’re required to put some solution into the cup, cover your affected eye with the cup and tilt back your head. Whereas some eye wash solutions can be used directly to put a few drops into the affected eye while lying on your back.

Take A Cotton Cloth 

If that ridiculously troublesome element is not leaving your eyes, then switch to this method of how to get something out of your eye. Take a clean and soft cotton cloth and drench one of its sides in water. Then bring it near the corner of your affected eye and try to hold it with your eyes. It is similar to rinsing but can make more impact to get the stuck item out.

Use towel To clean Eye

Alternatively, you can simply wipe your eyes with a water-drenched cotton cloth. While doing so remember to follow this simple trick to protect your cornea- if you feel the irritation of the stuck element on the bottom of the eyes, look upwards while swiping the eye bottom with the cloth.

You can do it yourself or ask someone to do it while you hold your eyes open.

A Soft Handkerchief

While rubbing is not a smart choice when it comes to how to get something out of your eye, you can use a soft towel handkerchief (or hanky) to gently swipe it around the corners of your affected eye.

use handkercheif

For this, rotate your eyes and then gently swipe your eyes with a soft handkerchief of towel-like fabric. While doing so, ensure that you hold your handkerchief only with your ring finger as it exerts the least pressure, and that much would do in the case of a body part as sensitive as an eye. But only do this once or twice, otherwise, you might hurt your eyes badly.

NOTE: Remember not to rub your eyes as the particle inside can get stuck into more depth of your eyes. This will eventually hurt and create a bigger problem.

How To Stop Irritation In Your Eyes Immediately?

After getting the peeve material out of your eyes, you must be feeling a little irritation in your eyes. Well, then here is the solution that can give you relief right away:

  • Take a soft handkerchief or a cotton cloth, blow it with your mouth 5 times, and immediately place it over the affected eye (keep your eyes closed). Repeat the same process two to three times and you’ll feel much better.
  • In case you are not able to do this yourself, ask someone to do this for you. 

When To Seek Medical Help?

As discussed earlier, the eyes are the most sensitive part of the body. It must be noted that any kind of object can hurt the eyes. Although we’ve just talked about how to get something out of your eye on your own if the object isn’t leaving or your eyes is hurting even after dislodging the item, you must seek medical help.

Get Something Out Of Your Eye

Some typical scenarios which indicate that it’s time to see an eye specialist include:

  • Blurred vision
  • Constant redness in the eyes even after several days of removing the particle
  • A feeling of inflammation or discomfort in the eyes
  • Bleeding from the eyes
  • Unstoppable water discharge from the eyes

There are times when some exceptionally harmful stuff such as a chemical, glass, or nail stroke can hurt your eyes. In such a case, you must not give anything a benefit of doubt. Your first step, if any such adverse situation arises, should be dialing an eye specialist. With professional attention, your doctor will tell you if you need eye surgery, antibiotics solution, or eye-numbing drops to get your eye cleansed.

If you’ve undergone eye surgery or special eye treatment, it is advised to:

  1. Not to touch your eyes or face.
  2. Wash your hands every time before replacing the dressing.
  3. Never touch the cornea of your eye with your fingers or a cloth.
  4. Confirm with your doctor if you can use water or medicine if you feel uneasiness in your eyes.
  5. Wear goggles or special glasses as per the doctor’s advice.


It can be quite painstaking to understand how to get something out of your eye when at any moment whether you’re outside or inside of your house, your eyes can get attacked by tiny dust particles, hair strands or fur, or even a tiny insect. Nevertheless, you can blink your eyes several times, wash them with running water. You can also use eye wash drops, a clean cotton cloth, or a soft towel-like handkerchief to dislodge the trouble-making element.

On the other hand, if your eye has got a major nail stroke or a harmful substance such as a chemical solution or glass piece has been stuck inside it, immediately go to an eye specialist.

Do not rub your eyes as you might damage the cornea, push the stuck object deeper or instill an infection in the eye.