How Long Does It Take For Hair To Grow: 6 Home Remedies That Can Help

How Long Does It Take For Hair To Grow: 6 Home Remedies That Can Help

Hair is no less than a crown on the head. But when the hair fall is taking a toll, it’s natural to get intrigued to know how long does it take for hair to grow.

Hair fall is a serious problem and people turn over the pages of the internet and beauty books to search for ways to increase their hair volume. And why not? After all, hair matters a lot. It has the power to change the overall look of a person. From hair care products to natural home remedies, people leave nothing when they are worried about how long it takes for hair to grow.

But despite all efforts, you can’t be hopeful if you don’t know how long does it take for hair to grow. Moreover, you must know what you should not do so as to stop the hair fall. In this article, we’ll answer all your related queries. So be ready!

How Long Does It Take For Hair To Grow?

Styling your hair can expose your hair to excessive use of chemicals that can damage your hair’s health. Moreover, stress, improper diet, and sleeplessness are a few factors that affect your hair’s natural growth. This is the reason why the growth of new hair is relatively slow in comparison to the rate of hair fall.

Other Factors That Affect Hair Growth

  • Aging
  • Deprivation of nutrition
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Pollution
  • Stress
  • Diseases
  • Alopecia Areata

Now coming to the point: how long does it take for hair to grow? In mammals, specifically humans, hair growth happens in phases that are scientifically called anagen, catagen, and telogen. To put it in simple words, it is a chain of events that occur for different time periods in which the blood supply to the hair gets activated, follows a brief growth, then stops and starts all over again. In layman’s language, we call it degeneration and regeneration.

How Long Does It Take For Hair To Grow

The anagen phase is said to last 7 years in which the hair usually grows about 1 cm per month. The catagen phase occurs for about 2 weeks when the hair follicles rest to rejuvenate themselves; then the third phase is said to take a period of about 4 to 6 weeks before this cycle starts all over again.

Nevertheless, genetics, hormonal imbalance, nutrition, etc. affect the time period of this cycle. But it’s not like you don’t have room for hope. With proper care and diet, your hair can grow past the difficulties.

Tips To Grow Hair Faster

Here are 6 home remedies that can work like wonder to grow your hair fast:

1. Onion Juice For Hair

Onion Juice is quite effective for replenishing the lost nutrition in hair and making new hair come faster. So wipe your tears and cry again, cutting an onion, and read further.

How To Use?

  • Cut one or two onions into halves.
  • Put them in a food processor to make their puree.
  • Take out the onion juice/puree in a bowl.
  • Now Take a cotton swab drench it in the onion juice/puree and apply it to your scalp.
  • Make sure you cover your entire head from the top to the back.
  • Now leave it on for about 15 to 20 minutes and then wash your hair with a shampoo.

Do this twice a week and you’ll see a growth in your hair gradually.

2. Biotin For Hair

Biotin is another effective substance to make your hair grow faster. It is good for both skin and hair. Biotin comprises Vitamin E that stops hair fall and maintains its volume. 

How To Use?

  • Take 15 to 20 biotin tablets. They are easily available in the market.
  • Grind the tablets in a food processor to make powder.
  • Take 1 tbsp of biotin tablet powder in a bowl.
  • Mix olive oil and apply the mixture on your scalp.

Biotin is used in shampoos and some people go for oral supplements of biotin, however, oral supplements can be harmful if overdose is taken.

3. Aloe Vera Gel

You are already familiar with aloe vera gel, right? This is an incredible gel that works like a charm for hair growth.

Aloe Vera Gel For Hair Growth

It is also effective in treating dandruff problems.

How To Use?

  • Pick one or two strands/stems of the aloe vera plant.
  • Make a horizontal cut at the bottom of the stems.
  • Keep them vertically in a standing position until the yellow liquid gets expunged completely. It might take 4 to 5 hours.
  • After that, cut and remove the coverings and scoop out the gel with a spoon.
  • Collect the gel in a container and apply it to your scalp.
  • Let it be in your hair for 1 hour and then wash your hair with shampoo.
  • You’ll see results in a few weeks after applying the aloe vera gel.

4. Curry Leaves

Yes, you read that right! Curry leaves not only add flavor to your food but can also prove beneficial for hair growth as well. Plus to that, it also makes your hair black and glossy.

How To Use?

  • Take 2 to 3 curry leaves and boil them in ½ cup coconut oil.
  • Then strain the oil and let it cool.
  • Apply this oil to your scalp and massage your hair for 20 minutes.

For faster results, apply this oil to your hair twice a week.

5. Curd

Curd is a natural cure for hair fall. It has been found in studies that curd includes essential nutrients that promote hair growth. 

How To Use?

  • Apply 1 cup of curd to your hair and leave it for 50 to 60 minutes.
  • Wash your hair with normal water.

Do this twice a week and you’ll need not to search how long does it take for hair to grow again.

6. Coconut Oil

This you already know. Coconut oil is the remedy of the golden era that has to be on this list. It keeps the hair protected, nourishes them, and strengthens them with protein.

How To Use?

  • Massage coconut oil in your hair thrice a week before going to bed.
  • If you want to wash your head the next day, you can.

Food That Helps Growing Hair Faster?

There are a plethora of food items that can contribute to the growth and strengthening of hair.

food for hair growth and thickness

  • Green Vegetables: Spinach, lettuce, broccoli, lady finger, cabbage, etc.
  • Vitamin A & C: Foods that contain Vitamin A & C are very effective in stopping hair loss. For instance, oranges, strawberries, bell peppers, Cantaloupe, etc.
  • Nuts: To fulfill the deficiency of nutrients, one must have 4 to 5 kinds of nuts daily to cure hair fall problems.
  • Legumes: Protein is crucial for maintaining hair growth and strengthening them. That’s why you must add legumes to your diet.
  • Dairy Products: Yogurt, milk, cottage cheese, frozen desserts, etc.

Bottom Line

Hair fall is a problem for a plethora of people these days. Unhealthy eating habits, lifestyle, and stress are to blame for this. But blaming won’t solve this problem. You have to find solutions and that too such solutions that don’t degrade the health of your hair further. The above article has listed a few natural ways to recover from hair fall and get glossy hair. It also answers how long does it take for hair to grow.