How Long Do Betta Fish Live & What Does They Need To Survive?

How Long Do Betta Fish Live & What Does They Need To Survive?

Betta Fish (also referred to as Siamese Fighting Fish) is a freshwater fish that is typically known for its distinctive fins that make a flair-like appearance and come in many colors. They add a charm to the house when in an aquarium but certain things can make their habitat inhospitable for them due to which they die. That’s why how long do betta fish live has become a common question of fish adorers.

Betta Fish are aggressive which is the reason why the word ‘fighting’ is in their name. Native to Southeast Asia, betta fish are very small in size and shape and habitual of vegetation. That means as the owner of pet betta fish, you have to be considerate of her necessities which include her food and surroundings. 

Read to discover everything about a betta fish from how long do betta fish live in the wild and as pets to what to feed them and how much.

How Long Do Betta Fish Live?

Before we get on to discuss how long do betta fish live, remember that they will not spend their entire lifespan with you. Why so? This happens because male bettas take an entire year to become mature and develop their full colorful fins and tails and female betta fishes are sold when they grow six-month old. 

During this time they grow almost 1 inch big whereas some can grow bigger than this size, for instance, a halfmoon betta fish can be 3 inches big. Their growth depends on their genes, type of feed, and their surrounding aquatic environment. These fishes are wrapped in their huge flared tails and fins that are naturally decorated with either one or multiple colors.

How long do betta fish live? A Betta fish has a typical lifespan of anywhere between 2 to 5 years as pets and about 2 years in their natural habitat because of attack by other predators. If they are granted by God, they might live even more. But if they are not taken care of well, they can die sooner. So read further to explore how to keep a betta fish healthy and make sure you share this information before gifting one to someone.

How To Keep Betta Fish Healthy?

As we humans need a comforting environment to survive, a betta fish must feel at-home, if you want to keep one as a pet. Here are the key considerations apart from how long do betta fish live, that you must be thoughtful of before welcoming a betta fish home: 

1. A Big Aquarium

Although fishes look adorable in round glass tanks, a betta fish won’t be able to survive in there for longer. However, it doesn’t mean that your betta fish will beat her head around the glass, it’ll remain there quietly as usual but stressed. That’s why they need large fish tanks or aquariums to feel homestyle. Wildlife experts suggest that it’s best to keep a betta fish in a 5-gallon fish tank with a filter and heater.

2. The Water Temperature, pH levels, and water replacement

Sharing features of a labyrinth fish, betta fish are potent to breathe directly from inside the water. But the water temperature must be maintained as per their survival range which is between 76℉ to 81℉. Since betta fish need this level of high water temperature, make sure your fish tank has a heater so that they don’t face any problems in winter, otherwise, it’ll impact how long do betta fish live.

How Long Do Betta Fish Live

It is necessary to keep the water temperature at a set temperature, otherwise, betta fish can acquire several diseases. Not only that, the fluctuating water temperature can proffer a deadly shock to betta fish. Moreover, the water pH level must be maintained between 6.5 and 8. 

How frequently should you replace water in a fish tank? You must replace the betta fish tank water every 5 to 7 days.

3. Gravels & Aquatic Plants

Betta fish usually prefer to swim on different water levels and they move quite faster from upward to downward. This trait of bettas makes it inevitable to be considerate about the kind of gravel and aquatic plants you put in the aquarium. Heavy and hard gravels can be hazardous to a betta fish’s life and can affect how long do betta fish live. So only use soft and small-sized gravels and aquatic plants to decorate their tank. Make sure to clean the water daily to filter it from any deposits of food and fish waste.

It’s worth mentioning here that you must use a dechlorinating agent to ensure no harmful chemicals get mixed up with the water. Such dechlorinating agents are available in the market and are generally called ‘water conditioner for aquariums.’

4. Feed

Betta fish are meat-eaters by nature and need protein to grow.

Many people are of the view that betta fish can live on a plant-based diet. But this is not true.

You can feed your betta fish the following to maintain their protein level intact:

  • Bloodworms
  • Mosquito larvae
  • Freeze-dried tubifex worms
  • Brine shrimp
  • Flakes and pellets

Now the question is how many times should you feed your betta fish and in what quantity. It has been seen that most betta fish get constipated due to overfeeding which affects how long do betta fish live. In general, a betta fish must be fed only once a day, and for quantity, you must note how much it consumes within 3 to 5 minutes so that you can get an idea for the next time.

It might take 24 hours for a betta fish to completely digest its food. The maximum time that a betta fish can survive without food is two weeks from the day it is fed.

5. Companion/Fellow Fish

Don’t think of keeping even a single fish companion in the same tank as a betta fish. Why? Betta Fish are quite possessive of their surroundings and can’t share them with any other fish (of their species or different). They become quite aggressive towards their fellow fish if kept with them.

So make sure you either maintain separate fish tanks for other fishes or keep only one betta fish at home. Alternatively, you can also place a divider in the fish tank or aquarium defining the boundaries for each but again, remember that each of them must get a space as large as that of a 5-gallon fish tank to live in.

Common Diseases Among Betta Fish

If kept in a fresh and comfortable environment, betta fish can live longer without any disease. However, they might develop the below-mentioned diseases over time that affects how long do betta fish live:

(a) Fin Rot/Tail Rot

How Long Do Betta Fish Live
Image Credits: aquarium co-op

Fin rot or tail rot is an infectious attack that literally ‘rots’ betta fish’s fins or tail. In such a condition, its fins and/or tail will be visibly rotten and decolored.


  • Replace the tank water.
  • Apply tetracycline on the affected region.

(b) Stress

At times of water replacement or tank replacement, betta fish go through a period of high stress due to the introduction of once-alienated changes.


Feed the betta fish adequately and try to put in some plants and soft small-sized gravel to make its environment playful.

(c) Constipation

When betta fish is overfed (eats more than the requirement), it might develop the condition of constipation which can be visible from the swollen abdomen.


Don’t feed the betta fish for 24 hours and let it fast.

(d) Ich

How Long Do Betta Fish Live
Image Credits: BettaSource

If you notice round white spots on a betta fish’s fins, tail, or body, it is a sign that it has got an infectious disease- ich.


  • Replace the water and put into it some aquarium salt.
  • Use Mardel Coppersafe
  • Increase the water temperature a little.
  • Consult a fish vet.

(e) Velvet Disease

Betta Fish Velvet
Image Credits: Fish Lab

Velvet disease is a parasite infection that forms rusty golden-brownish scales on betta fish’s body. 


  • Replace the water and put into it some aquarium salt.
  • Use Mardel Coppersafe
  • Increase the water temperature a little.
  • Consult a fish vet.

(f) Swim Bladder Disease

Swim Bladder In Betta Fish
Image Credits: hygger

Swim bladder disease affects betta fish’s swimming ability. You’ll see the betta fish swimming in criss-cross directions. 


  • Put an antibiotic solution into the fish tank.
  • Keep replacing the aquarium water every 2 days.

If you’ve more than one pet betta fish, you must keep her quarantined for some time so that the above-listed diseases don’t harm the others in the fish tank and keep replacing its water every 2 days.

NOTE: The ‘treatment’ mentioned for all the diseases are for immediate action to the particular disease. You must consult a fish vet for a proper health checkup of betta fish and get it diagnosed accordingly. 

Final Thoughts

Although betta fish have a life expectancy of 2 to 5 years, how long do betta fish live, depends on many factors including the water temperature, pH levels, feed, size of the water tank, gravels, etc. The above article has aimed to provide clear answers to your related queries regarding betta fish’s life expectancy and health-related tips. Hope it helps!